Straight Is The Gate And Narrow Is The Way



“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
Matthew 7:13

“Straight is the gate and narrow is the way.” An encouraging word for Christians, terrifying words for the unbeliever.

This passage of scripture in Matthew comes from the sermon on the mount.

Jesus felt it was important to mention both of these gates, but He put more emphasis on the broad gate that leads to destruction.


Because it’s quite easier to get through the big bad gate.

Think about a city, walled off by stone. Now picture a narrow gate clear down at the end and then another big expanse gate nearby…

Which would you be drawn to naturally?

The one that’s larger and more accessible.

The Role Of A Christian In The World

I picked this scripture because it has been pressed upon my mind over the last week or so more than ever.

Each time I see a supporter of things that oppose God, such as gay marriage, I think back on this scripture when I get that feeling like I need to right the wrongs in the world.

There was a time in my life in which I was overly concerned and worried about all the people that were going by the way side and were incorrect in their beliefs.

I felt, at the time, it was my duty to “fix” their thinking.

I look back now and laugh a little at the thought I used to think I had any part in all this.

God calls people to the faith and they accept or reject that call.

Our job, as Christians, is to provide people with the truth by example and by His Word.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

God’s word is alive and all we need to do is share it and live it with others.

We don’t need to insult, degrade or belittle those of opposing viewpoints, BUT that doesn’t mean we cannot stand for the truth of God.

The Scriptures even warn against denying Jesus.

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 10:33

While remaining silent might not be “denying” Jesus directly, you are denying Him by not taking a stand for His truth.

Standing For Truth In A Truthless Society

I’ll tell you a story about my recent encounter with someone on Facebook.

What happened was a video was posted discussing the issue of gay marriage and this woman made a comment informing people to make sure they go by what feels right after watching the video.

I commented and let her know that feelings are part of what’s wrong right now in America and relying on God’s word, which is 1,000’s of years old is what we (Christians) should base our facts on.

What does God’s Word say about feelings? Let’s take a look quickly.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

Feelings or our own understanding cannot be trusted, but the Lord can be.

Are you trusting God or your feelings?

Back to the story.

She replied and thanked me, letting me know she was on the fence about the topic and was happy for my insight.

I sent her a “you’re welcome” and a link to (best tool for any Christian looking for answers in my opinion).

You see?

That’s one small instance of where taking a stand for the truth can help someone in need.

You don’t need harsh words and name calling.

What you do need is to keep your focus on God and training living daily, in fact, moment-by-moment relying on Him for everything.

Straight Is The Gate And Narrow Is The Way

God is amazing and His Word provides us with what need always.

God is working everything together like a beautiful symphony. Do you believe that? Do you trust it? Do you live it?

We as Christians are never aware of when our conductor might be looking at us to do our part.

It could be someone reading what you commented online, or what they heard you say in the break room at work.

If you don’t step up, He’ll use someone else.

Are you ready?

You might never get an indicator of how someone took what you said like I did in the story.

They might have just read it and nodded in agreement, strengthening their faith just a smidge more.

People are always watching you, reading what you’re saying and listening to your words.

Even if you never hear from them.

We are Christians, and with each new passing day into the future, we will be persecuted, labeled and deemed as haters.

Remember brothers, and sisters, the gate is narrow and do not be disheartened by the craziness of this world. It’s the closest to Hell any of us Christians will ever get.

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