#1 Reason Why God Doesn’t Want Us To Worry

God doesn't want us to worry - image of woman sitting near water

Why does God not want us to worry? God doesn’t want us to worry because worry demonstrates a lack of faith (trust) in God. When we worry, we’re not operating in a place of faith, but in a place of fear. God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love … Read more

What The Bible Says About Cursing Might Surprise You

What The Bible Says About Cursing - Picture of Open Bible Near W

What the Bible says about cursing may or may not surprise you based upon your knowledge of the Bible and who God is. The Bible teaches in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that cursing is prohibited, but there are no direct passages that explicitly state anything like, ‘do not cuss.’ Instead, the … Read more

7 Positive Signs That A Godly Man Is Pursuing You

Godly Man Is Pursuing You - Cute Couple Hanging Out

As a Christian woman, knowing whether or not a godly man is pursuing you can be difficult for two reasons. First, you don’t know if he’s godly and second, you don’t know if he’s actually pursuing you. The Bible tells us exactly what a Godly man does in his life, so knowing if one is … Read more

The Surprising And Powerful Truth To Why It’s So Hard To Let Go And Let God

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Why is it so hard to let go and let God? When we make the decision to ‘let go and let God’ we are giving up the control that we presume to have over a given situation in our life. We are kneeling at the Cross and giving God full reign over our lives. Coming … Read more

5 Simple Ways To Keep Your Focus On God

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How do you keep your focus on God and not your problems? We stop focusing on our problems and start focusing on God when we accept the fact we have no control over our lives and instead rest our minds and hearts in the full assurance that God is in complete control. In other words, … Read more

7 Characteristics Of Strong Godly Fathers Who Love

Strong Godly Fathers Love - Image of Father and Child walking

Having the characteristics of a strong Godly father who loves is not something that comes naturally to any man. It is a work of God in the heart of a repenting believer. These characteristics are fashioned and shaped by God as a father draws closer to God. Through this process of drawing closer, the man … Read more

7 Ways To Quickly Develop The Right Christian Attitude

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Developing the right Christian attitude in life is essential for not only new believers but seasoned ones as well (not sure what it means to be saved? Read the article about salvation). Developing the right Christian attitude is a matter of following what is outlined in the Bible. Here are seven ways to develop the … Read more

3 Easy Things Every Christian Should Do Every Day

three things every christian should do every day top hero image cross in dirt

Knowing what things every Christian should do every day is not an easy task when you’re new to the faith. Well, even if you’re not new to faith it can sometimes be confusing. Every Christian should do 3 things every single day. That includes: read their Bible with the expectation of hearing from God, praying … Read more

The Surprising Difference Between Trust And Belief


What’s the difference between trust and belief? A person can find it relatively easy to have belief in a person, idea, or thing. For when we believe, we simply acknowledge the existence of the said thing, person or idea. When belief turns into trust, the individual goes beyond mere belief and enters into a contract, … Read more

4 Steps To Trusting God

The Key To Trusting God - Image Of Key

We long as Christians to trust God every day, but we struggle. How can we trust God completely every day? Trusting God fully only happens when we humbly hand over our lives to God. We must stop trying to handle everything on our own, and instead come to God on our knees, saying, ‘we can’t … Read more