Why is it so hard to let go and let God?
When we make the decision to ‘let go and let God’ we are giving up the control that we presume to have over a given situation in our life. We are kneeling at the Cross and giving God full reign over our lives. Coming into a mindset that we are not in control but God is can be scary when we don’t know Him intimately.
Understanding in a real and meaningful way that the God of the Bible loves you intimately and cares for your every need requires faith. This faith can also be referred to as trust. As Christians, we must be trusting God daily.
As we learn to trust God and rely on Him daily, we are equipped to let go of the faulty feelings of control we think we hold in our lives. It’s only through releasing this presumed power that we are able to experience a rich and meaningful relationship with God.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives and in our hearts, we are able to find peace, comfort, and rest like never before experienced in our lifetimes. Knowing fully that God is tending to every need we have, we can find joy in life no matter the circumstance when we truly let go and let God.
Today I want to walk you through what it means to let go and let God, then equip you with the tools and insights into Scripture that has been so helpful to me on this journey called life.
What It Means to Let Go and Let God
What does it mean to let go and let God? It means releasing the presumed power we think or feel we have in our lives over certain situations and coming to the realization that God is in control. It’s moving from a mindset of controlling everything in our lives to trusting God.
Here’s a great list of ways we hold on…
- Forcing our desires to be by others.
- Disrupting situations in order to do it the way we want it done.
- Fighting for our perception of right (outside of standing for Biblical truth).
- Taking control of any situation that is not ours to handle.
Here’s the same list with the mindset of letting go…
- Placing our desires second to anyone else involved.
- Praying and waiting on God in a situation.
- Looking to satisfy the need of another.
- Staying out of situations as much as possible, but praying over them at the same time.
Just by comparing them, it’s easy to see when we hold on, we are self-seeking. When we are letting go and letting God, we are placing others ahead of ourselves and therefore honoring God’s Word that tells us to put others before ourselves.
The hard truth of what it means to let go and let God is simple. When we stay holding on, we are selfish and think we know what’s best not only for ourselves but for everyone else as well. At its core, it’s a pride issue when we cannot learn to let go and let God.
This leads to the next part I want to talk about, the why of why we should let go and let God.
Why Let Go and Let God
It kills our faith and trust in God when we are controlling (or thinking we are controlling) everything in our lives. We have to let God be God in our lives if we are going to ever truly let go and let God. The benefits of letting go and letting God are numerous.
- Less stress
- When you realize you don’t have control over anything in your life, you tend to be less stressed. You know God is in control and that makes for a less-stressful life.
- More time
- You have a lot more time in life if you’re not busy trying to figure out how to fix everything wrong.
- Better relationships
- When you’re not trying to control every relationship in your life to go a certain direction, you tend to have better relationships with people. Most people don’t enjoy being in any kind of relationship where someone is controlling or at least attempting to control them.
- Increased faith
- When you let go and let God, you allow yourself to see God’s hand in your life. Seeing the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and those you come in contact with has a way of encouraging your faith and drawing more trust in God.
- You’re nicer to be around
- Stressy people tend to be short-fused and unpleasant. After all, in their mind, the entire world rests upon their shoulders! As you let go and let God, you’ll find your attitude to be more pleasant (read more about developing the right Christian attitude).
How To Relax and Let God Take Control
You can relax and let God take control by first talking to Him. Sit down and pray to God about it! James tells us that if we are lacking in wisdom (knowing what to do) we just need to ask God.
I’m so thankful we serve and love the God that we do!
He could be anything He wants, and He chose to be a compassionate, loving, and gracious God (read about the 5 components of God’s love). I love that fact and this reality.
Just go to God, ask Him for help and He will assist you in letting go and letting Him take control of your life.
Let me share with you a truth that has been evident in my own life when it comes to letting go and letting God be in full control.
The only way we are going to fully embrace the ‘let go and let God’ mantra is by being rooted in God. What I mean is through trusting God and keeping our focus on God daily. Through this, we can let go of every situation or problem that comes our way.
How To Start Today
You start small.
Sit down and have an honest look at your life. Identify the relationships, situations, and other places where you see yourself trying to control. Need help? Ask God first, then ask a spouse.
In my experience, spouses are great resources for this kind of help… 😉
As you uncover these areas you need help in, be sure to pray over them.
God will help you if you allow Him.
Many times our false sense of “control” over situations was actually keeping us from trusting God fully. As you step forward in trusting God in these circumstances, it’ll grow your faith in Him, even if it scares you to take that first step.
The beautiful thing about faith is how pleasing it is to the Lord.
I know your desire is to please God, after all, you’re reading an article about letting go and letting God.
Let me encourage you, brother or sister.
Taking that first step of faith might be scary, but God is right there with you.
Thank you!
You’re welcome!