

My name is Benjamin Chapin and I’m seeking financial help so I can work full-time in the ministry.

When I was at the age of 17, I felt the call placed on my life to enter the ministry.

At the time I did not feel worthy and that feeling has never left me, but over the years I have come to realize that my worthiness will never be up to par. It’s through Christ alone we are worthy and it’s ultimately His choice to use us.

For the past eight years, I have been writing and publishing Christian fiction. I’ve struggled as an author to make a suitable income for myself and my family and thus had to take on a secular job in 2022.

The call still on my life, I’ve been struggling to continue the ministry work I feel called to do on a part-time capacity and so I’m here asking for help.

In addition to writing Christian fiction for the past eight years, I’m also producing Christian video content to edify and encourage believers on social media. I serve in my local church as a Sunday school teacher and small group leader.

Most recently I have felt led to go work at the Christ-honoring homeless shelter here in Idaho Falls, The Idaho Falls Rescue Mission, but they’re unable to provide me with enough income to cover the basic costs and needs of myself and my family.

We do not have car payments, we do not have credit cards, I’m talking about the basic needs of a family of five.

For those interested, I can share my expenses with you privately.

If you’re not donating financially, that’s okay. I don’t want you to do something God hasn’t laid on your heart. I do request you please pray for me, for my family, and over this ministry as we step out and ask God to show us direction.